🔵 Eastlake BBA Weekly (Sunday, April 2, 2023)

"Next we launched out on a course of vigorous action, the first step of which is a personal housecleaning, which many of us had never attempted. Though our decision was a vital and crucial step, it could have little permanent effect unless at once followed by a strenuous effort to face, and to be rid of, the things in ourselves which had been blocking us. Our liquor was but a symptom. So we had to get down to causes and conditions." –Alcoholics Anonymous (p. 34)
Hey friends,
Here's what is new at Eastlake Big Book Awakening:
💙 Step 3: We had to quit playing God (Pat A.)
In episode #79, Pat A. shares how he used to have a problem with God. "It's not that way today. And that's a message of joy and hope." So what's playing God? If I am going to tell you how it is, I am playing God because I am not satisfied with what is here. If I am afraid of God? I am living my life based on a thought.
Sunday Nights at 7 PM (ZOOM)
Tonight, Sunday, April 2, come and join us as Sean B. shares on Step Four: Columns 1-2.
Where: https://zoom.us/j/898466559?pwd=bvfatdnxeuc3ae5rnzywu2zaq3p0ut09
Meeting ID: 898 466 559
Password: eastlake
Monday Nights at 7 PM (Eastlake Church)
Join us as Krista G. shares Step Four: Columns 1-2.
Eastlake Church
(Student Commons)
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Note: When you pull into the parking lot, drive straight to the back. After you park, walk towards the "Student Commons Patio" to find the door for our meeting space.
Doors open at 6:45 PM
"May God bless you and keep you—until then."
–Eastlake BBA