🔵 Eastlake BBA Weekly (Sunday, March 10, 2024)

Here's what's new at Eastlake Big Book Awakening:
Sunday Nights at 7 PM (ZOOM)
Tonight, Sunday, March 10, join us as We continue the Big Book Awakening series by reading from Bill's Story, page 9, paragraph #1:
"The door opened and he stood there, fresh-skinned and glowing. There was something about his eyes. He was inexplicably different. What had happened? I pushed a drink across the table. He refused it. Disappointed but curious, I wondered what had got into the fellow. He wasn’t himself."
Where: https://zoom.us/j/898466559?pwd=bvfatdnxeuc3ae5rnzywu2zaq3p0ut09
Meeting ID: 898 466 559
Password: eastlake
Monday Nights at 7 PM (Eastlake Church)
On Monday, March 11, join us as Mary L. continues the Big Book Awakening series by reading Chapter 3, More About Alcoholism, page 42, paragraph #3. “Quite as important was the discovery that spiritual principles would solve all my problems. I have since been brought into a way of living infinitely more satisfying and, I hope, more useful than the life I lived before. My old manner of life was by no means a bad one, but I would not exchange its best moments for the worst I have now. I would not go back to it even if I could.”
Eastlake Church
(Student Commons)
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Note: When you pull into the parking lot, drive straight to the back. After you park, walk toward the "Student Commons Patio" to find the door for our meeting space.
Doors open at 6:45 PM
"May God bless you and keep you—until then."
–Eastlake BBA